

Satchel Pack Terminal – (SPT) – One of the most used items of any Tech-Com operative, Tech-Com team or Salvage team is the sight of a SPT (or two or four) being carried into the field and being deployed on site.  The SPT allows for many functions; diagnostic and cataloging of known as well as unknown SKYNET technology, extensive library and archive functions, tactical as well as strategic planning through data interpretation, data translation, decryption of encrypted stream feeds, live feed video uplinks to other SPTs, live uplinks to navigational and recon assets and many other functions which the Resistance has come to depend on in the field.

Each SPT is hand-built and constructed to be modular in design where additional memory modules, processor power, storage capacity, external media readers, external displays and power supply / batteries can be added as needed.  Multiple SPTs can be linked to each other creating a combined processing power and a gestalt type computing terminal system where multiple tasks can be handled by multiple processor arrays or dedicated subset processor arrays.  The design of the SPT is built around SKYNET’s own computing architecture as well as that of Its many creations, that is, the SPT is a fiber optic based processor array rather than the traditional electronic era computers and as such the SPT is immune from the effects of EMP or other high energy hazards.  Most of the integral components of the SPT are salvaged from SKYNET sources and either used in stock capacity through translator interfaces or modified and used directly in the design.

Most SPTs are designed around a hand poured, mold formed polymer frame and are custom built by the user to a current standard.  Most users later modify their SPTs as standards change, as needed or as parts or upgrades become available.  Larger versions of the SPT, often called Frame Pack Terminals (or FPT) are carried in reinforced polymer frame backpacks with the polymer frame itself acting as the connecting point for the various components.  In all cases, a weatherproof heavy nylon or ballistic cloth covering, with seals, is used to protect the integral components of the SPT or FPT from harsh conditions and the environment.  Thin, ballistic gelatin filled “pillows” are used to cushion the components against severe shock.  Additional storage pockets on the exterior and interior of the SPT or FPT allow the user to carry additional hardware, software and peripheral accessories such as diagnostic cables, adaptors and translator / converter plugs.

A typical SPT is built around the Type 32D9 Modular Interface Board (MIB) equipped with 4 Type 7A slots, 2 Type 5D slots and 3 Type 2F slots.  Five ultra high speed fiber optic ribbon connector slots, each with their own DSPB Dedicated Stream Processing Bus, allow for audio, video, data storage, memory and other integral accessories to be attached to the MIB via standard parallel synchronous switching UHS ultra high speed fiber optic ribbon cables.  Each of these connector slots’ DSPB is further optimized for its own particular type of data stream and includes a coaxial flash memory slot for additional swap cache capacity in the form of 2Tb, 4Tb, or 8Tb standard CMM Compact Memory Modules.   A pair of D9G dedicated power supply plugs allows for up to two standard or four linked power sources to be connected to the MIB.  An auxiliary D9F power supply port allows the connection of up to four linked battery backup modules for steady state power in the event that the primary power modules are either damaged or removed.  A pair of standard Type 2G ultra high speed bridges each with its own dedicated stream processing bus array and dual integral swap cache CMM slot, allows the MIB to be interfaced directly with another pair of MIB in a chain array.  A solid state super conducting heat sink allows for continuous high speed operation.  The MIB, polymer frame and protective satchel case weigh approximately a kilogram and a half.

A typical list of components found in the average SPT is provided below.




Multiple components can be (and often are) included in the basic design.  In 2014, a high resolution holographic projector was added to many SPTs and FPTs, replacing the flat array display completely.  In 2016, programmable intuitive reactive responsive holographic interfaces (PIRRHI) became a reality, replacing the keymat for the most part.  The VUID borrowed from this technology and became a glove-like device worn on the hands which interacted with the RRHI directly.


