From:        "mister richards"
To:             blackecho
Subject:    just catching up
Sent:         Wed, 21 May 2003 04:03:57 +0000

Hey One Bad Motorbuddha ,

Please understand up front that I am not carrying the flag for
Harley-Davidson. It’s just that I despise pompous blow-hards shit-bags like you.

It’s that typical, bitter, "had my ass beat by these guys so now I’m
gettin’ back" bullshit. And you’re supposed to be a cop, right? I bet you’re
also heavily into guns, and the exact specs of each, heh? And I bet many of
your brothers secretly hate your mere existence due to your
over-compensating bullshit. Go ahead, lie about it just to be contrary. Ot
better yet, just hide behind your delete key. As you slag other bikes and
bikers, you remind me of the few gay guys (fags) I’ve heard arguing for
queer-ness. Sure, it may make a good argument from YOUR unique perspective.
(i.e. girls are nasty, girls leak blood, girls don’t do it like the boys do
it,...). You could insert H-D in place of the word "girls" and make your
same bullshit argument. It’s unfortunate that someone, earlier in your life,
didn’t help you get the things you needed to make you whole. Now you’re
forced to puff up and try to dole it out on a totally ridiculous target. I
just noticed this on a cursory glance at your site--"STARTLING answers to
your most basic questions". Padding your diaper a bit much there, aren’t you
Blah Gecko? And maybe I’m going out on a limb here, but I think you made up
quite a few of those Frequently Asked Questions all by yourself, didn't you?
Who would ask "how did you design this website"? Or "if you were to get a
free Harley Davidson motorcycle, say by winning a contest, would you keep it
and ride it?". How fucking silly. Obviously a frequently asked question
asked by YOU and only you. Just to pump up that deflating ego and allow you
to vent your anger toward others who ride real bikes and not those buzzy
little mock-ups. Funny--Harley-Davidson doesn’t produce enough HP to haul
you down the road at high enough speeds (what are you, fucking grossly
obese?). And you require MORE technology than most all other human beings to
get you from point to point? Amazing!!! "Whaa, whaa, whaa...those big, slow,
vibrating American-made Harleys make my little red as hurt". If my life also
absolutely sucked, I would do what you’ve done and start a website similar
to yours, and flame "SHIT-TARDS" (your dumb-fuck word, not mine--reminds me
of those Star Treck fans who came up with their own language) who rage
against guys who DON’T ride Harleys in an attempt to try to be unique. How
fucking pathetic. While you sit at your computer, and pass SO much time,
I’ll be out on my bike, loving life. Type on, you prick. Find a real cause,
you cunt. I had more, but I’m now really bored with you...........I’m sure
that you, like any other techno-fake, will only pick the email you can
easily argue against, so I am not expecting to see this one on your rugged
little website.

T. McQueen


To Which I Replied


Hello, ignorant baboon twat.

Please understand up front that while you claim that you are not carrying the flag for Harley Davidson, the inherent retardation of the argument which you attempt to present here more than amply picks up that long ago fallen intellectual banner and promptly charges forth to carry on where you fall short (and you do fall far, far short, rest assured). It’s just that I truly despise uneducated, diet-minded, numb-fuck simpletons like yourself who somehow believe it is their personal calling in life to champion and advance the essence of stupidity in its purest form.

I see from your email that you have decided to cook up and serve us an especially thick and hearty dish of real home grown ignorance, flavoring it with just the right amount of your own special house brand of stupidity and garnishing it liberally with a strong lack of education on your part. Bravo! If your display of deep rooted ignorance could be considered as anything approaching a culinary art, you, my dear chimp, would definitely be a blue ribbon chef. You choose to pillage, wholesale, the decades old clichés that are known by heart to each and every Harley rider and you jumble them together in one giant literary orgy of ugliness:

"It’s that typical, bitter, "had my ass beat by these guys so now I’m gettin’ back" bullshit. And you’re supposed to be a cop, right? I bet you’re also heavily into guns, and the exact specs of each, heh? And I bet many of your brothers secretly hate your mere existence due to your over-compensating bullshit. Go ahead, lie about it just to be contrary. Ot better yet, just hide behind your delete key. As you slag other bikes and bikers, you remind me of the few gay guys (fags) I’ve heard arguing for queer-ness. Sure, it may make a good argument from YOUR unique perspective. (i.e. girls are nasty, girls leak blood, girls don’t do it like the boys do it,...). You could insert H-D in place of the word "girls" and make your same bullshit argument."


Let me clearly identify the clichés for you so that you might learn something relevant from your rampant stupidity.

•    The “some Harley rider probably kicked your ass in the past and now you’re just bitter” argument.
•    The “you make fun of / don’t like Harleys therefore you must be gay” argument.
•    The “you’re a cop but since you don’t like Harleys you shouldn’t be a cop” argument.

            and my favorite one of all ...

•    The “you just hide behind your computer and make fun of bikers” argument.

I would also like to say that if the only time that you’ve ever seen someone really energetic about their beliefs was while you were in the company of homosexuals, then I don’t think you’re telling us the whole truth about yourself, now are you?  I'm glad to see that the traditional anti-cop bullshit rhetoric appears early in your rant (after all, email like yours just wouldn't seem to be complete without it).  By now, I’ve come to expect such tired old drivel from twinkle toed, monkey fucks like you, thank you for not disappointing me on that aspect.  What really made me chuckle, however, was the fact that you choose to put down not only those who watch Star Trek (i.e. people obviously far smarter than you) but also homosexuals in general. I thought it was particularly funny how you referred to homosexuals as “fags” (with the term in parenthesis even!) like this was a term that you somehow invented or a term that we (the rest of the world) would not normally be familiar with. This particular aspect of your reasoning clearly identifies you as a diehard NASCAR fan and the kind of person who considers line dancing to be a form of foreplay. You’re probably also the kind of ignorant stumpfuck who calls black men “niggers” and refers to Mexicans in general as “spics” or “wetbacks”.  One read through your finical email and I begin to truly understand where the concepts of “monster truck” and “double-wide” could ever originate in the overall human experience.

I honestly, truly despise uneducated people like you. It’s simply too bad that ignorance isn’t a really painful, crippling and ultimately fatal disease with no cure possible. If it was, then society would soon be forever free of Luddites like you and that would be a monumental good thing.

But …. I digress in my examination of your tragically flawed character.

Let us now proceed to review the rest of your ridiculous argument. It should go much quicker now that we have surgically removed (without the benefit of anesthesia) these clichés from your argument, thereby exposing and invalidating them for the laughable nonsensical crap that they are.   Let us see what other forms of mental leprosy you have deigned to present to us, for our token amusement.

“It’s unfortunate that someone, earlier in your life, didn’t help you get the things you needed to make you whole. Now you’re forced to puff up and try to dole it out on a totally ridiculous target.”

No, what is unfortunate is that someone, earlier in your life, didn’t force you to get a simple fucking education or fully prepare you to be a more productive part of the rest of the human race. I guess you were too busy in elementary school using a Magic Marker to draw bad ass snake and eagle tattoos all over your arms instead of paying attention in class like you should have been. I find you to be yet another glorious example of the failure of the American public education system. If you are an example of generations to come, then I weep openly for the future of the human race.

Upon further review, I find that you have decided to use the word “whole” as an adjective in which to describe the sum content of life. By your interesting reference to the word “whole”, I will take it that you mean “well rounded”, at which case I must assure you I am far more of a “whole” human being than you are.  I am unashamed of my accomplishments in life and quite proud of where I am. After all, I am college educated, intelligent, witty, confident, and charismatic. I’m one of the top IT professionals in my state, I own my own online company, I cater to private security interests for local businesses and I have a large amount of interests and hobbies (one such hobby is making fun of retards like yourself).

For my community, I volunteer my time as a police officer, trying to give something back to where I live and where I plan to raise my children. As a police officer, my capabilities and my performance have allowed me to be chosen to be a member of the police department’s SWAT team as well as being elected to be an officer on that team.

I’m happily married to a wonderful woman who has graced me with a beautiful, healthy baby girl, truly a blessing and gift from God above if ever there was one. My career is at its very peak, my wife is about to graduate with her Master’s Degree and begin work on her Doctorate, my marriage is rock solid going on eight years now, and my online business is taking off at a pace I didn’t think was possible.

If I’m lacking for anything, it’s time to spend with my family and to throw back at my hobbies (which are both numerous and complex). With all of this going for me, I really don’t see where I could be more ‘whole’ or ‘complete’. If there is something else to do with my life besides what I have on my plate right now, I really don’t see how I can work it into my schedule.

Being a success is such a time consuming endeavor, but then, you wouldn’t know anything about that, now would you?

So, given all of this, I don’t believe that you fully understand what the term ‘whole’ means. If you, perchance, mean ‘whole’ as in ‘finished’ or ‘complete’, then I would have to agree with you there wholeheartedly that I am not ‘whole’. I am an inherently unfinished, incomplete human being. The day that I stop learning or expanding my mind is the day that they close the lid on my box and lower me into the ground.

I believe that Robert Heinlein once said it best; “A man should be many things. Specialization is for insects.

My life is an example of what happens when you take the talents and abilities that God gives you and you run with them as hard and fast as you can. I’ll understand if you don’t recognize that fact or subscribe to that philosophy in life.

Losers rarely do.

“I just noticed this on a cursory glance at your site--"STARTLING answers to your most basic questions". Padding your diaper a bit much there, aren’t you Blah Gecko? And maybe I’m going out on a limb here, but I think you made up quite a few of those Frequently Asked Questions all by yourself, didn't you? Who would ask "how did you design this website"? Or "if you were to get a free Harley Davidson motorcycle, say by winning a contest, would you keep it and ride it?". How fucking silly. Obviously a frequently asked question asked by YOU and only you. Just to pump up that deflating ego and allow you to vent your anger toward others who ride real bikes and not those buzzy little mock-ups.”

Oh my!

You went and used the word “cursory” all by yourself!  That’s an awfully big word for such a little scoggin like you to be throwing around with such disdain, now isn't it? Do you really think you can handle a word that big all by yourself? I doubt it, so I tell you what ... Why don’t we just put that big word back in the big dictionary where you found it before you accidentally hurt your brain. I’m afraid that you’re just not quite advanced enough to use a word like that.

And look!

You called me “Blah Gecko”.


Boy, you really zinged me in the tenders there.

Yep, I haven’t had my feelings hurt that bad since, oh, sometime before second grade…

As for the FAQ, what part of FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS did you not quite understand fully? I have to say that you are definitely humping the wrong leg there in your assumptions because those are honestly questions that are asked quite often by import owners and HD owners alike (well, the more erect walking, non-monosyllable sputtering examples of HD owners, that is). Sorry, but I’ve gone and proven you wrong once again, which just isn’t turning out to be that hard to do.

As my site has been around for several years, and my campaign to stamp out ignorance on two wheels is now going on strong for ten years this August, I’ve been asked many times throughout the years the same questions over and over again. People are, by nature, a curious lot, and those who visit my site often ask the history of it as well as several other questions about the site. As I cannot respond to every single email I receive (but I do read them all) without resorting to a Milwaukee-esque monosyllable response for each one, I have instead taken the most frequently asked questions or “FAQs” (not to be confused with your derogatory term for homosexuals, which is probably what you were thinking) and provided answers to them for your benefit. Well, not YOUR benefit, since reading comprehension and understanding are two of your greatest weaknesses, but for the benefit of others who visit my site.

Oh, and it’s not how did I design my website, it’s why I designed my website.


How I designed my website would involve something called HTML, or Hyper-Text Markup Language. Don’t ask, if I tried to explain it to you, then you’d just think it was magic or some kind of strange made up ‘Star Trek’ language. My website exists solely because of ignorant, inbred redneck hee-haw stumpfucks like you, and it exists as a showplace for me to display your ignorance for all the world to see, enjoy and laugh at. Thank you for your contribution, it is people like you that have made my site what it is today.

And you must be joking if you think you know what a real bike is, Mister Richards.

If by “real” bikes you mean Harley Davidson motorcycles, then I really don’t have to go very far or try very hard in proving what an utter self deluded, media driven, corporate owned ignorant little bleating sheep you are.

Buzzy mock up bikes?

I find that funny, since HD has to go to the Germans to be able to produce any sort of respectable (read ‘contemporary’) power.  Oh well, so much for “American thunder”, huh? I guess Sieg heil will be the new performance cry for Harley.

Milwaukee’s engines are an engineering joke, they are decades behind the rest of the world in quality and technology, and an outright embarrassment for America. Technologically and from an engineering stand point, Harley Davidson is the very definition of stagnation and inbreeding. The German work on the V-Rod is the first new blood into Harley’s stagnant gene pool in decades!

Competition breeds winners and Harley is not a competitive company. Their race team was the laughing stock of the REAL world and was retired after ten years with a record that redefined the term “embarrassing”. Harley started losing decades ago and they discovered back then that if you don’t race, you don’t lose and they’ve become masters of that aspect of competition (losing, that is). In fact, when it comes to losing, Harley usually always comes in first place.

Here’s a clue, it’s offered free of charge, so I suggest you take it.

Competition improves the breed while stagnation weakens the breed.  That's nature and that's life.  Do you know what a “race” is? That’s the thing that Harley never can win. Harley doesn’t compete against the world (because it can’t) therefore it has no reason to change.   Why should it? It doesn’t have any peers to aspire to, no goals to reach, no hurdles to overcome, other than what it creates for itself. There are no outside stimuli driving Harley to adapt, to change, to become better, or to overcome its weaknesses.  Something that never changes is said to be stagnant.   Milwaukee lives in its own little stagnant microcosm, a veritable backwoods hollow of outdated technology rampant with mechanical inbreeding and fetid parts swapping orgies. Harley Davidson’s marketing practices cater to idiots as idiots are the only ones who would ever buy a non-technologically advanced motorcycle and pay cutting edge technology prices for it, kind of like buying dogshit but paying the current rate per pound for gold.

Harley did what they had to in order to survive. After all, when Harley found out that they couldn’t compete with the rest of the world on any level of real performance, design, technology, or quality, then they realized that they either had to be able to sell their second rate junk to someone or go out of business fast. But who would they sell their crap to, as only an idiot would buy their products?  Alas, there are a lot of gullible idiots out there in the world, and Harley zeroed in on that fact early on. Long ago they discovered that idiots are great business. Idiots have never been technologically savvy and that’s why Harley makes a killing. It’s funny, but they actually found a way to charge people for being dumb. How’s that for a marketing niche? Those of us in the IT profession have another name for idiots. We call them either “users” or “customers”, and like Harley Davidson discovered decades ago, idiots (aka “customers” and “users”) are usually a deep source of good future income. Who needs to be competitive, when your customer base is composed of nothing but idiots and your marketing scheme promotes image over performance?

Competition is important for advancement not only to the human race but in just about all aspects of life. If you don’t compete, then you don’t run the risk of losing so you don’t ever have to worry about people laughing at you or getting your feelings hurt. However, you also don’t run the risk of winning. Please don’t tell me that Harley competes in races, racing one Harley against another Harley on some beaten down packed earth cow pasture isn’t what I would call racing. Harley’s only serious bike, the VR1000, was a joke, a poor one at that, and Harley had their superbike ass handed to them time and time again despite all that they tried to do to try to win (and they did a lot). So, just like in the late ‘60’s when the British and Japanese imports started winning races, Harley has followed through with their historic answer to competition; when they can’t win, they pack up their shit, go home, and claim to be the greatest bike in the world.

Buzzy little mockups?

Oh my!

Bwahahahahahaha! That’s so rich!  I’ll take a buzzy little mockup any day over some motorcycle that has all the grace, weight, sound, beauty and performance of a pregnant, lactating, chronically flatulent, roller skating yak with a little leather clad orangutan riding on the back any day, thank you so very much.

And just to shed some tiny spark of light into that dark, lichen topped cavern you call a “skull”, those buzzy little mockups are the descendents of very long lines of winners on the many competitive tracks around the world and the streets.  While you losers are gathering together for the world's largest circle jerk in Sturgis and Daytona, there are actually races going on around the world (there's one going on in Daytona while you are there).  Harley's aren't in those races, because Harley has never been about winning.

Winning, Mister Richards, not losing. Once you ride a real bike with some real heritage born of competition, instead of some make believe bad ass heritage born out of a marketing department, you’ll know the difference in what a real bike is, and what a poser bike is. I’ll understand if you don’t know what the words ‘competitive’ and ‘winner’ mean, since you wouldn’t normally be familiar with those terms in your personal life, but do you know what a “race” is, Mister Richards?

It’s that thing that Harley Davidson hasn't been able to win in decades.

“Funny--Harley-Davidson doesn’t produce enough HP to haul you down the road at high enough speeds (what are you, fucking grossly obese?). And you require MORE technology than most all other human beings to get you from point to point? Amazing!!!

Most human beings are sheep, Mister Richards.  Technology is invented by people like me so that we can rule people like you.  Now, if you’re saying that your average Harley Davidson produces just enough horsepower to get from point A to point B, then I’ve been telling people that for years. Now, since Harleys don’t produce a lot of horsepower, how can they claim to be the baddest or most powerful motorcycle in the world? My guess is that they are going by the old adage of strength in numbers, and there are tens of thousands of idiots riding Harleys, so that, I guess, makes them the world leader, of idiots, if you look at it that way.  If Harley has any real power, it's through their inherent confederacy of dunces.  Beware the power of stupid people in large groups, for you get stuff like Harley Davidson.

Harleys are one step above a moped in performance capacity, ten times louder and no where near as dependable. A Harley is an “A-B” bike, it goes from A to B and makes a lot of noise while doing so.  If you have the money to spare, you can make sure that you and your bike look good while going from point A to point B.  Of course, most Harley owners just trailer their bikes from point A to point B or stick them in the back of pickup trucks.  Sometimes parts fall off while it is going from A to B. Also, using three times the cubic inches to produce one third the power that the rest of the world is producing is both embarrassing and unacceptable.  Milwaukee is barely getting sixty horsepower from eight-eight cubic inches? WTF is up with that?

My ’85 Mazda RX-7 has a seventy cubic inch twin rotor engine that produces a hundred and five horsepower and Milwaukee has an extra eighteen cubes (a lot of volume when it comes to motorcycle engines) to play with?! Hell, an early ‘70’s Chevy Vega probably makes more horsepower than a Harley.

So, why does Milwaukee produce engines that are so fat and so slow?

Because they’re doing the best that they can, that’s why.

Milwaukee is simply not smart enough to take on the rest of the world in any capacity, so they hide their weakness behind something called ‘nostalgia’ and idiots like you buy it lock, stock, and barrel. How can you devote yourselves to something with all the sensuality of a chrome plated paint shaker on wheels? Your filial devotion to an archaic icon has become a pagan religion for money rich, mind poor sheep.

Do I require a lot of horsepower to move me around?

What an inherently stupid question that is, but I will try to answer it on a level that you might just begin to understand.


I do not require a lot of horsepower to get me from point A to point B, but when I compete against groups of my equals and against groups of my peers, high technology is where it’s at. When it comes to motorcycles, I do require modern technology and I require that modern technology to be available at affordable prices, without a make-believe life created for me by someone else to go along with it.

I’m a dynamic human being, as such, I can (and have) made a life of my very own through my own successes. If I can buy a 155hp motorcycle that weighs 420 pounds for $9,500 brand new, a motorcycle produced with modern thought, modern design, and modern technology, then why would I ever consider buying a 60hp motorcycle that weighs 800 pounds for $24,000, a motorcycle produced with the same technology found in 1945? That doesn’t make a lot of sense there, unless you were just willing to pay extra for an admission ticket to a laughable lifestyle of someone else’s design, all because you were too fucking unoriginal as a human being to create a life of your own.

For what it’s worth, I’m five foot twelve (that’s six feet tall to humorless, anal retentive, ass munchkins such as yourself) and hover around 200 to 210 pounds. I work out and exercise when I can (kind of gives you an edge there when you’re on a SWAT team kicking down doors, lugging around tactical gear that includes fully automatic weapons and lots of chemicals, and wrestling crack heads to the ground while they are trying to kill you), depending on my busy schedule (which is spent in the real world, not behind a computer screen).

I’m anything but fat.

However, I do find it funny, in direct contradiction to your lethargic logic, that so much of Harley Davidson’s main stream products are named after rather portly elements in our life; you have “hawgs”, “hogs”, “wide-glide”, and even a model called the “Fat Boy”. Import companies name their performance bikes after beautiful winged avenging warrior maidens (Valkyrie), birds of prey (Hayabusa), blades (Katana), ancient warriors (Ninja), and other poetic or powerful names, Harley names their bikes after a tasty food source (bacon!) and obese children.  You really don’t have a lot of room to talk about fat or obese, now do you? Fat is an inherent part of the Harley Davidson mystique.

I believe that the only thing that goes on any kind of diet when you buy a Harley is your bank account.

As for why you would want high technology, well, you are only as smart as what you surround yourself with in life, Mister Richards. Low technology is for idiots, high technology is for smart people.  High technology lets smart people rule over idiots. Harleys were made for people like you, as were most items produced by Fisher Price. As for me, I want things that challenge my mind on a regular basis. Powerful computers, high technology, composite materials, exotic alloys, digital electronic fuel injection, forced induction, and cutting edge designs inspired and bred from years, even decades of intense world class competition among performance giants. I want new and innovative, not the same tired old slapped together dog shit churned out year after year after year by a company who knows more about losing than the French do. I want new ideas, new concepts to enter my life and change my mind forever, a constant influx of exciting new technological material that will continually challenge me to become smarter as I adapt and overcome any new questions or obstacles in my life and in my path to learning.  The day I stop learning is the day they close the lid on my box.

You can remain ignorant for the rest of your pathetic life if you want to, Mister Richards. I don’t envy you at all. Be just like everyone else in the flock. Rent your life, subscribe to a lifestyle, and pay someone else to think for you and make your decisions.

The clear difference between you and I is that I am unique through my own actions and abilities. You can’t claim that, no matter how hard you lie.

"Whaa, whaa, whaa...those big, slow, vibrating American-made Harleys make my little red as hurt".


You are such a peddling, infantile chimp.

Since you freely admit to keeping company with and listening to homosexuals on many occasions, my guess is that it’s not really the big, slow, vibrating American-made Harleys that are making your little ass red, now is it?

“If my life also absolutely sucked, I would do what you’ve done and start a website similar to yours, and flame "SHIT-TARDS" (your dumb-fuck word, not mine--reminds me of those Star Treck fans who came up with their own language) who rage against guys who DON’T ride Harleys in an attempt to try to be unique. How fucking pathetic.”

But your life does absolutely suck, Mister Richards! Otherwise you would be out there actually doing something unselfish and selfless for your community and for those around you instead of sitting on your pasty white lard ass and doing nothing but whining about other people’s accomplishments. If your life didn’t suck, you would be bringing some hope to the human race instead of just moaning and complaining and generally acting like you’re going through the advanced stages of menopause.

Oh, and I just have to ask you this, Mister Richards…

What is “Star Treck”?

Is that like NASCAR in space or do you perchance mean “Star TREK”?

Amazingly, you have just unknowingly redefined the term “shit-tard” all by yourself.  Now that is what I would define as “fucking pathetic.”

“While you sit at your computer, and pass SO much time, I’ll be out on my bike, loving life.”

Don’t you mean that you’ll be out on your poser bike loving your store bought, make-believe life?

What you (and those like you) fail to ever realize is that when someone is several rungs above you on the evolutionary ladder and is at the very top of the food chain (I would have to rank you somewhere down near a pack of Twinkies or a stale old Slim Jim meat snack in intelligence), it just doesn’t take long to deal with misfits of evolution such as yourself. Replying to your kind doesn’t take a great deal of my time or my effort and the payback through email and shared laughter is immeasurable.

While you are going to be reading this, spitting, sputtering and fuming as you stamp around your room like a constipated chimpanzee, others around the world are going to be laughing at you and your pathetic make-believe life while sending me email congratulating me on putting yet another stupid redneck straw hat donkey fuck in their much deserved place.

They say that ignorance is bliss, Mister Richards.  I guess that makes you one very, very, very happy rider, now doesn’t it?

“Type on, you prick. Find a real cause, you cunt.”

Please make up your mind, Mister Richards; am I a prick or a cunt? You can’t have it both ways (but I’ll bet you’ve tried it that way at the local truck stop). While I’d say that “prick” probably more than aptly describes one of your four major food groups (I bet you get more than the RDA recommended daily allowance), I truly doubt that you’ve had any real cunt since real cunt first had you.

You see, being a cop means that you have to have a thick skin as well as be able to think quickly on your feet. As you have now seen, I can easily run huge mental circles around the likes of your retarded kind without really breaking a sweat. Your desperately embarassing attempt to insult me has nothing more than make me yawn and shake my head at your pathetic attempt to nurture my ire.

Oh, and in case you haven’t been paying attention, I do have a real cause. I call it called “Pointing out ignorance and stupidity, ridiculing uneducated fuck-twits and making fun of other useless wastes of human skin.” That’s a mouthful (you should know plenty about mouthfuls) so I just conveniently shorten it to “American Angst”.

“I had more, but I’m now really bored with you...........”

You wish you had more.  I’m actually surprised that you managed to type this much at all which leads me to believe that your mommy helped you with most of it. There really should be a law that provides harsh penalties for parents or legal guardians who leave their AOL account name and password written on a big yellow sticky note taped to the front of the monitor. That piece of legislation alone would at least keep pedant, thumb-dick, pixie-fucks like you off the Internet, or at least reduce your number to a large degree.

“I’m sure that you, like any other techno-fake, will only pick the email you can easily argue against, so I am not expecting to see this one on your rugged little website." -T. McQueen

Then I guess that the appearance of your rather unoriginal email and my glorious reply to you being displayed on my ‘rugged little website’ will come as a big surprise to you.


You’re the new poster child of my internet ignorance awareness campaign and the funny part of all this is that you actually volunteered for the position. That’s a real talent you have there, chimp, but then I guess you’re just naturally gifted at being stupid because you do it so well.